Cyber Run

Cyber Run

Made by Kazdan R. Azahn - K.R.A.Z. Productions, LLC

Cyber Run is a thumb mashing maze game that takes fast movements to beat the levels!!!

Stay on your toes and make it through 20 short levels of collect-athon action!

Designed, Written and Developed by Kazdan R. Azahn of K.R.A.Z. Productions!

Additional programming and code clean up by: 'MintFerret',

Music by Revival Sound Studios and K.R.A.Z. Productions!

Additional coding advice from Orkn, LedBetter and KINGOFSHIBUYA!

Testing by Kazdan R. Azahn, Kaze Sho, Ray Jaroush, 'Mors Tinea', and 'MintFerret'

Made in Pulp for Panic Playdate!

Uncle Victor will return in 'Ghost on the Run' for the Atari VCS!

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  • 146.3 KB.
  • First published 01/21/2025, last updated 02/11/2025.
  • This game's developer created it without the use of generative AI.
  • This dropped before GTA 6 (Approved for all Audiences).
  • Four enemy types: Dark Code, Squid, Mimic, and Worm. Worm is designed to trapped the player and force you to restart the game. Squid and Dark Code deal damage and relocate items and use real glitches to turn collectables into Negative Score Modifiers. Mimic just likes to trick you!
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