Date Nite

Date Nite

Made by Swansonge

Date Nite is a micro adventure game about love, made for Playdate in Pulp.

Follow the protagonist as they prepare the perfect date night for their partner. Tackle challenges, meet strange characters, and encounter surprises on their journey to express their love. <3

Art, code, music, and writing by Swansonge

Catalog and web art by Sine of Psi

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  • 219.4 KB.
  • First published 02/04/2025
  • This game's developer created it without the use of generative AI.
  • We think this game is appropriate for everyone.
  • This game uses the A and B buttons , and the crank. It requires a fair amount of precision with the crank. Accessibility options are available to disable the need to use the crank. Additional accessibility options are available to reduce the speed of hazards that make the game more difficult. Optional puzzle hints are also included.
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