

Made by Ted Carter

Put the solar system in your pocket! Orrery is an astronomy/astrology app that lets you crank through time to see accurate projections of where planets were or will be on specific dates.

This app lets you view the solar system in 3 modes: scientific, diagrammatic, and astrological.

The scientific mode is a 3D projection of the solar system that allows you to rotate, pan, and zoom. Orbital sizes are correct relative to each other, but the moon's orbit has been exaggerated for visibility. Planet sizes are correct relative to each other, but exaggerated for visibility. The size of the sun isn't proportional to anything else.

The diagrammatic mode is a simplified view that you might find in a classroom. Orbits are rendered on a single plane with equal spacing.

Astrological mode is a geocentric projection. Our sun, Sol, is shown on an inner ring orbiting the earth, with all other planets and the moon (Luna) orbiting on an outer ring. The phase of the moon is also shown.

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  • 1.2 MB.
  • First published 04/09/2024, last updated 05/08/2024.
  • We think this game is appropriate for everyone. This game contains an astrological viewing mode, which may be considered controversial in some groups.
  • This game uses the D-Pad, A and B buttons, and the crank. It requires a fair amount of precision with the crank to dial in an exact date, but there's no time pressure for any action in this application.
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