

Made by Tom Tervoort

Ouroboros is an odd twist on Snake in the form of a puzzle game where you have to bite the tip of your tail. Of course, whenever you move the tail moves and you'll have to get around plenty of obstacles, including the rest of your snake's body!


  • 50 increasingly mind-bending puzzles.
  • Unlimited undo's (so no penalty for experimentation).
  • New major puzzle mechanic introduced every 10 levels; each explored from many angles.
  • No progress gates; all 50 puzzles are unlocked from the start, so you can always (temporarily) skip something when you're stuck.
  • Straightforward controls (D-Pad to move; B to undo; A to redo); can optionally use the crank for undo/redo as well.

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  • 3.6 MB.
  • First published 08/27/2024, last updated 09/04/2024.
  • This game's developer created it without the use of generative AI.
  • We think this game is appropriate for everyone.
  • The game uses the D-Pad and A and B buttons. The crank can optionally be used as an alternative input. The game is a "turn based" puzzle game and does not require quick inputs. Buttons can be held instead of tapped, or vice-versa.
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