The Scrolling Enigma

The Scrolling Enigma

Made by Lugludum

🕵️‍♂️ Solve riddles, decipher cryptic messages, and piece together the fragments of an elusive truth about my personal gamedev journey.

📰 Unroll the newspaper and reveal the 7 gamedev enigmas through allegorical figures.

Use the crank to discover 7 enigmas. Solve each one by employing the appropriate interaction. The further you scroll, the more clues you'll uncover.

🕐A one-hour unique escape game experience.

Tips: The newspaper is read in an infinite loop. Each loop rewards you with fresh clues, but you'll score fewer points. If you want a high score, try scrolling back and forth. Just know, it'll make things tougher and take longer but it will be way more satisfying.

Some enigmas are harder and some other are really simple.

Pay close attention to the messages you receive when you solve the puzzles. They have clues to help you find the latest code.

Be patient in the last enigma and take note if needed.

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  • 17.2 MB.
  • First published 02/28/2024, last updated 06/12/2024.
  • 🩸The Scrolling Enigma includes a scene with a vampire demise, but my young child says it's ok. 🤔Deciphering some riddles and understanding the nuances of doublespeak may be more suitable for older audiences though.
  • This game requires use of the microphone, crank, accelerometer and buttons. You can switch to a white background to improve readability and increase microphone sensitivity from the menu/help button. Sound is optional but can help with solving riddles. There’s no save option.
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